When you don’t have time to stop by, turn to our free online service that lets you manage your money from the comforts of home.
Key Features
Reduce Errors
Save Time
Increase Productivity
Online Banking
- Free, secure, and easy-to-use service for GCB customers
- Manage a number of banking activities anytime, anywhere with internet access:
- Access e-statements
- View account balances and history
- Transfer funds between accounts (one-time and recurring transfers)
- View checks written
- Make loan payments
- Make P2P payments through Popmoney
- And more
- Make more time for yourself; fewer bank trips necessary
- Print or download account information to popular financial management software
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Bill Pay
- Pay one-time or recurring bills with ease:
- Schedule payments in advance
- Set up payment reminders
- Ensure payments are received on time
- Have all payee information in one convenient place
- Retain funds until paper drafts are presented for payment
- Avoid paper clutter
- More secure than paper billing
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It’s time to make the free switch. Trade the paper clutter for easy electronic statements. We promise you won't miss that stack of unopened envelopes. Losing the paper trail also means gaining security. The less you leave for identity thieves, the better you can avoid being a victim of fraud. Save yourself — and the environment. Sign up for e-statements today!
- Save paper and save the environment
- Fast, free, and easy alternative to paper statements
- Easier to retrieve info when needed
- Eliminate a paper trail
- Reduce chances of fraud and identity theft
- Arrive faster than paper statements
- Simplify recordkeeping
- Easily access past statements
- Ability to download for permanent storage or print if needed
- Receive email notice when new e-statement is ready